A User’s Guide To Demanding The Impossible (With Gavin Grindon)


Written in a whirlwind over  a couple of sleepless nights in December 2010 with art historian Gavin Grindon, the sixty page booklet was a responce to the student uprising in the UK. We realised that art students occupying their schools had very little idea of the fertile spaces between art and activism. Originaly a DIY zine handed out at for free, it was distributed at the occupied art schools and at The Long Weekend, an event in London organised by Arts Against Cuts,  to bring artists and activists together to plan and plot actions for the following days, including the teach-in disruption of the Turner Prize at Tate Britain, the collective manifesto writen during an occupation of the National Gallery and the UK’s version of the book bloc.

It was later published by Minor Compositions, and is now translated into 8 languages all available for free here.

This guide is not a road map or instruction manual. It’s a match struck in the dark, a homemade multi-tool to help you carve out your own path through the ruins of the present, warmed by the stories and strategies of those who took Bertolt Brecht’s words to heart: ‘Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.