
Le Laboratoire d'Imagination Insurrectionnelle

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At the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination we call what we do 'experiments', because it allows us to truly test things out, and fall flat on our faces sometimes. Our notion of experiment is more linked to its ancient meaning than to any modern mechanistic scientific methodology: originally to experiment meant to be engaged in producing practical knowledge, cunning, enchantment or a magic spells.

Below is a selection of our experiments we have crafted since 2004, which we will update regularly.

Our experiments always aim to bring together people from various walks of life, especially artists and activists but also sometimes scientists, architects , shipbuilders , engineers , designers , coders or farmers. We try to make the processes collective and horizontal, as we want our practice to be as prefigurative as possible, attempting to live the post-capitalist future we desire in the here and now, "acting as if we were already free", as our friend David Graeber used to say.

↓ Selected experiments list ↓

"All experiments"


In collaboration with h

Climate Games

Berliner Festspiele - Berlin, Voruiit - Ghent, Arts Admin - London, COP 21 - Paris

↓ All experiments ↓


In collaboration with h

Since 2019

Climate Games

Berliner Festspiele - Berlin, Voruiit - Ghent, Arts Admin - London, COP 21 - Paris