This is a selection, we will update as we go along.
↓ By the Labo ↓
We are ‘Nature’ Defending Itself. Entangling Art, Activism & Autonomous Zones
Cultures of Rebellion. Notes against extractivist art and for the art of life
Entrelacer le oui et le non. Pour que la vie continue à donner la vie
Performing Utopias: For a Live Art that Lives and Lets Live
THE WORK OF LIFE IN THE AGE OF EXTINCTION: Notes towards an Art of Aliveness
Joyeux Bordel (Préface et plusieurs chapitres)
Food Democracy: a chapter and a Recipe for Disaster or How to Make an Omelette and Sabotage Infrastructure
Notes from an Unwritten Chapter (with preface by David Graeber)
Anarchist Pedagogy in Action: Paideia, Escuela Libre
An Open Letter in the Dark
Les Sentiers de l’Utopie
A User’s Guide To Demanding The Impossible (With Gavin Grindon)
The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army goes to Scotland via a few other places
↓ About the Labo ↓
Rob Hopkins (creator of transition towns concept) interviews the Lab
in Lars Kwakkenbos, Art & Activism in the Age of Globalization, 2011
Nous sommes la nature qui se défend, entretien avec Ewen Chardonnet pour Makery.info